Vibosoft DR.Mobile for Android 2.1
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Vibosoft DR.Mobile for Android 2.1

Recovery tool to restore lost and damaged information from your Android device
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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Vibosoft Dr. Mobile for Android is a recovery tool that is able to restore lost and damaged information from your Android device. It is a viable option to recover files that were accidentally deleted or lost after a system update, factory reset, and other circumstances. Dr. Mobile is capable of recovering different types of files, including text messages, documents, contacts, videos, and photos.

Dr. Mobile for Android has an interface that is straightforward and easy to use. You simply need to connect your phone or tablet to your computer via USB, follow the instructions on the menu to enable USB debugging on your device, and begin your scan. The program will automatically scan your device internal memory, SIM card, and any external memory cards connected. At this point, it's important to highlight that the application only works with rooted Android devices.

Once the program has finished its scan, you will see a list of items that have been deleted and are able to be recovered. Every recoverable item is broken down by category and file type, so if you’re looking for a specific text message or contact, you won’t have to wade through unnecessary files to find the one you need. In addition, the application includes a file viewer that lets you preview recoverable photos. Restoring your deleted data is as simple as selecting files and clicking the recover button at the top.

The program works well and does a good job at locating contacts, messages, and media files that can be recovered. However, to make use of the recovery function, Dr. Mobile requires you to buy a license.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
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Review summary


  • Scan is fast
  • Results are grouped into categories
  • Scans the device internal memory, SIM card, and external card
  • Includes a photo viewer
  • Easy to use


  • Works only with rooted devices
  • The trial version only scans Android devices

Comments (1)


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This software helped me recover Samsung galaxy S4 messages. Recommend it.

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